HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

9 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 我們的服務 HowWe Serve 建造業 Construction Industry • Col laborated wi th Civi l Engineering and Development Department of HKSAR Government and Hyder-Meinhardt Joint Venture, and introduced Hong Kong’s first tunnel inspection system based on drones and on-board AI processing technologies. The edge-AI powered multi-sensor aerial inspector for tunnel surface aims to leverage drones with on-board AI technology for real-time tunnel defect inspection, and the inspection speed has become five times faster than traditional visual inspection methods. This innovation won the R&D 100 Awards, HKIE Grand Award, Hong Kong Business Technology Excellence Award , the Silver Award at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions and the Bronze Award of “Edison Award in the category of Critical Human Infrastructure – Intelligent Modelling”. • Developed Safety Monitoring and Truck positioning technology for Anderson Concrete Limited, via the implementation of AI monitoring and detection systems, which has greatly improved safety of construction practitioners in the production plant, lowered operating costs, and enhanced production efficiency. • Collaborated with Smart (Technology) Global Limited which has commissioned HKPC as an i4.0 technical consultant to design and build four intelligent production lines for prefabricated steel reinforcing bar (rebar) parts*. These lines aim to meet the local market demand for increased production and quality improvement of steel products, and at the same time address the issue of shortage of skilled workers and land use. • Collaborated with Shiu Wing Steel Limited, a well-respected local brand, laying the groundwork for upgrading and transforming the traditional construction industry. The company has partnered with HKPC to develop the “Hot Rolling-based Steel Properties Enhancement Technology”, which aimed at utilising advanced technology to produce steel materials that adhere to the Mainland's standards and increase production capacity. 年內舉辦34個活動/研討會/考察團等,於粵港澳 大灣區推廣新型工業化及其他生產力局服務;來 年將會繼續推進新型工業化,於人工智能及數據 科學產業發展研究方面進行推廣活動及調研報告。 Organised 34 activities/seminars/study missions in the GBA, to promote new industrialisation and other HKPC services. HKPC will continue to organise such promotional events as well as conduct research studies in AI & data science industry to promote new industrialisation next year. • 與香港特區政府土木工程拓展署及安誠 – 邁 進聯營公司三方研發香港首台搭載人工智能 處理技術的隧道施工巡檢航拍機,運用邊緣 人工智能及傳感器融合而成的智能隧道表面 系統,利用無人機與車載人工智能技術進行 實時隧道缺陷檢測,檢測速度較傳統目測方 式提升五倍。項目在「百大科技研發獎」、 香港工程師學會大獎及香港商業科技卓越獎 勇奪殊榮,更於日內瓦國際發明展中榮獲銀 獎,及於「愛迪生獎」重要人力基礎設施 – 智 能建模銅獎。 • 為現成派安混凝土有限公司安裝人工智能監 測和檢測系統,提高工人於工廠的工作安 全,降低營運成本,提高生產效率。 • 與屈鐵臣(科技)有限公司合作,獲委託為工 業4.0技術顧問並負責設計和建立四條「鋼筋 剪屈智能生產線」*,以滿足本地市場對鋼筋 預製部件產量增加及提升質量的需求,同時 解決香港建造業面對技術工人人手短缺及用 地的挑戰。 • 與本地老字號品牌紹榮鋼鐵有限公司合作, 為傳統建造業的升級轉型新發展格局打下紮 實基礎,並獲委託協助研發「鋼材熱軋提質技 術」,目標以先進科技生產符合內地標準的鋼 材,同時提升產能,為開拓打入內地市場作 好準備。 * 成功申請創新科技署「再工業化資助計劃」 * Successfully applied for the Reindustrialisation Funding Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)