HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

16 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 我們的服務 HowWe Serve 內地業務 Mainland Development 本財政年度繼續擔任為「粵港澳大灣區生產力促 進服務聯盟」理事長單位,夥拍大灣區其它城 市的多家機構與學府,提升區內企業綜合競爭 力,與中小企共襄創科發展,以全力配合國家 「十四五」規劃推進建設大灣區國際創科中心。 聯盟成員合作緊密,截至2023年3月底,一共舉 辦28場聯盟活動,覆蓋175,000人;聯盟秘書 處組織或協辦共120場活動。此外,聯盟更肩負 與粵港澳9+2城市18個合作夥伴合作搭建科技成 果對接服務平台,並舉辦三場專場科技成果對接 會。 「生產力局大灣區未來人才發展中心」年內舉辦 國際認證課程如瑞士商學院工商管理博士課程; 負責營運內地知創企業家網絡;為工商界舉辦如 跨境營商、智能製造等不同主題的知創企業家論 壇,以及企業培訓服務、考察團服務,跨境創科 雲研學等活動,服務參加者超過500人,並與行 業專家及各界商協會超過30個單位合作。 於2022年12月舉行粵港澳企業發展政策展(江門 站),向江門企業推介香港和大灣區其它城市的 各項政府資助計劃。活動得到香港特別行政區政 府駐粵經濟貿易辦事處、香港貿易發展局及江門 市政府的大力支持,約有1,100位人士參加。 為內地職業院校培育第一批符合工業4.0資格認 可的講師團隊,並建立大灣區內第一家具備工業 4.0智能製造CPPS證書管理中心的職業院校。 Continuing as the chairing organisation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Productivity Promotion Service Alliance this year, partnering with institutes and schools from other GBA cities to join hands with SMEs to boost the overall competitiveness of GBA enterprises and promote I&T development, in tandem with the country’s “14th Five-Year Plan” for the development of an international I&T centre in the GBA. The Alliance members closely cooperated, organising a total of 28 events with 175,000 participants as of the end of March 2023. The Alliance Secretariat organised or co-organised a total of 120 events. The Alliance also serves to build a platform connecting 18 partners from the 9+2 city cluster of the GBA for collaboration in translating technological outcomes into practical application, and organised three seminars for the stakeholders. During the year, the HKPC GBA FutureSkills Centre organised internationally-recognised courses, such as the Doctor of Business Administration programme of SBS Swiss Business School; operated the GBA InnoPreneur Network; held GBA InnoPreneur Forums with various themes such as cross-boundary commerce and intelligent manufacturing for the industrial and business sectors; and organised corporate trainings, tours and cross-border I&T virtual classes, serving over 500 participants and collaborating with over 30 industry experts and business associations. In December 2022, an outreach event was held in Jiangmen to promote supportive policies in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao, introducing different Government funding programmes in Hong Kong and other cities in GBA to Jiangmen enterprises. The event received strong support from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong of the HKSAR Government, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and Jiangmen Municipal Government, with approximately 1,100 participants. Delivered an Industry 4.0 certification programme for the first batch of instructors from Mainland vocational schools and established the first vocational institute in GBA for Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing CPPS certificate management.