HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

21 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 我們的服務 HowWe Serve • Announced the results of “Online Survey – Nurturing Our HomeGrown STEM Talent 2022” in September 2022, together with the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers TechEd Centre and the College of Professional and Continuing Education Limited of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Over 1,000 parents and teachers responded to the survey, gauging their views on the current situation and challenges in the implementation of STEM education, exploring the resources and policy support for training future talent and analysing the effectiveness and development potential of implementing TechEd. The survey showed that parents and the education sector shared the same view on emerging technologies and FutureSkills, with AI/Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Cyber Security being the three topmost concerned STEM topics. • To support the development of TechEd, HKPC set up the “TechEd Playground” in December 2022, showcasing the latest TechEd solutions under six thematic topics: Aerospace Technology, Cyber Security, Green & Biotechnology, Robotics Engineering, Smart City and Virtual World Technology. During the year, there have been over 3,000 visitors, including 30 schools and organisations. • F1 in Schools Hong Kong Finals 2022 brought together young STEM talent in the city to compete for the regional champion title. A total of 72 Hong Kong secondary school students participated in the competition and demonstrated their engineering brilliance and perseverance. • Organised a series of I&T competitions, including “vHK Grand Tour AR Design Competition”, “Interschool Innovation and Invention Competition – Greater Bay Area” and “Hong Kong Tech Challenge Game 2022”, which provided a platform for the youth to develop innovation capabilities and creativity through technology and science-related activities, as well as enhancing their awareness towards innovation and invention for solving social issues. • 於2022年9月聯同香港教育工作者聯會創科 教育中心及香港理工大學持續進修學院進行 的「全港家長教師STEM網上問卷調查2022」 結果,從超過1,000位家長及教師的回覆中 了解推行STEM教育的現況及挑戰,探討在培 訓未來人才上的資源及政策支援,以及分析 推行創科教育的成效與發展潛力。調查報告 顯示家長及學界對新興科技及未來技能均有 相同看法,以人工智能/機械學習、數據分析 和網絡安全為首三項重點關注的議題。 • 為支持創科教育發展,於2022年12月設立 「TechEd Playground創科遊學館」,展出以 航天科技、網絡安全、綠色及生物科技、機 械人工程、智慧城市及虛擬世界科技六大創 科教育主題的應用方案。年內,共有超過 3,000人參觀,當中包括30間學校及團體。 • F1 in Schools香港區決賽2022集合香港年輕 STEM人才爭奪區內冠軍頭銜,共72位香港中 學生參加,並展示他們在工程方面的才華和 毅力。 • 舉辦一系列創科比賽如「vHK都會之旅」AR 創作比賽、「大灣區聯校創新發明大賽」及 「香港工程挑戰賽2022」,為青少年通過科技 及科學活動發展創新能力和創造力,增強創 新發明意識,以解決社會問題。