HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

41 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 認識我們 Who we are 發展方向 Strategic Direction 以創新帶來影響 Innovate for Impact 愛護地球 Save our Planet 強化核心業務 Strengthen own Core Portfolio 展示成功案例 Showcase our Success 經費來源 HowWe Are Funded 生產力局百分之二十四收入來自政府年度撥 款資助,其餘百分之七十六主要來自各類收 費服務、政府資助項目及工商業支援項目。 技術轉移 Technology Transfer 生產力局積極與本地工商界及世界級研發機 構合作,開發應用技術方案,為產業創優增 值。透過產品創新和技術轉移,成功推出多 種由市場主導的專利技術,發掘本地和海外 市場在授權和技術轉移服務中的龐大商機, 致力讓科研落地。 The HKSAR Government provides us with an annual grant that accounts for 24% of our income. The other 76% is generated by various fee-charging services, Governmentfunded projects, and industry support initiatives. HKPC partners and collaborates with local industries and enterprises and world-class research and development (R&D) institutes to develop applied technology solutions for value creation. Through product innovation and technology transfer, HKPC introduces diverse market-driven patented technologies, bringing enormous business opportunities for licensing and technology transfer in local and international markets and contributes to the realisation of research outcomes.