HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

47 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 總裁回顧 Executive Director’s Review 香港近年積極推動新型工業化,帶動香港工業及經 濟朝高質量、多元化及可持續發展,而科技賦能是 新型工業化的顯著特徵。生產力局一直全力配合香 港特區政府的相關政策,一方面為傳統工業升級轉 型,另一方面為新興工業提供適切支援;更於2023 年6月成立「新型工業化發展中心」,助企業邁向智 能生產轉型,提高經濟效益,以技術針對香港人力 成本高、招聘人才難、用地成本高的痛點,並藉此 助力香港經濟高質量發展,進而推動粵港澳大灣區 產業鏈優化升級,為香港成為國際創新科技中心建 立良好基礎,真正做到「創新 • 從未停步」。 New industrialisation has been actively-implemented in recent years in Hong Kong, leading local industries and economy towards high-quality, diversified, and sustainable development, and a salient feature of new industrialisation is technological empowerment. HKPC has all along committed itself to facilitating the relevant policies put forward by the HKSAR Government: helping traditional industries upgrade and transform while providing appropriate support to emerging industries. In June 2023, HKPC established the New Industrialisation Development Centre to help enterprises move towards smart production, and improve their economic returns by utilising technology to tackle pain points, such as high labour costs, difficulty in recruiting talent and high land-use costs. Through this Centre, HKPC aims to support the high-quality development of the Hong Kong economy and promote the optimisation and upgrading of industrial chains in the GBA. This will lay a solid foundation for Hong Kong to become an international I&T centre, and realise “Innovation Never Stops”. 總裁 畢堅文, MH Mohamed D. BUTT, MH Executive Director