HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

48 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 總裁回顧 Executive Director’s Review The six development priorities of HKPC are: “New Industrialisation – Made in Hong Kong”, “Intel l igent Manufacturing”, “Green and Smar t Living”, “Digitalisation and Cyber Security”, “SME & Startup Support” and “FutureSk i l ls”. HKPC str ives to promote advanced technologies and innovative services with new industrialisation elements incorporated to enhance the productivity of Hong Kong enterprises; at the same time, through creating influence, strengthening our core services, protecting the ecosystem and showcasing our achievements, we are determined to realise new industrialisation and promote it among the industries to create a smarter, more valuable Hong Kong for enterprises and community. Promoting Research and Development of I&T with Fruitful Results Recognised by the Industry During the year, HKPC achieved fruitful results in terms of scientific R&D, and obtained recognitions from the international I&T industry. In 2022, HKPC received a record-breaking number of 98 local, Mainland, and international awards and recognitions; encouragingly, 70% of these awards and recognitions were related to I&T, while 80% of the award-winning technology projects have already been commercialised. Being innovative and highly-practical, all of the award-winning projects have attracted widespread attention in different aspects of life, allowing the community to witness how technology improves daily life, how technology brings about transformation to the industry, and how these R&D achievements can be used to tell the good stories of Hong Kong’s I&T. Promoting the Development of the Technology Sector and Realising New Industrialisation in Hong Kong HKPC fully adheres to the four development directions in the “Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint” (the Blueprint) promulgated by the HKSAR Government. The Blueprint clearly stated that life and health technology will be the focus of development. In 2022, HKPC released the key findings of the “Hong Kong Life and Health Industry Development Study” (the Study), and identified future development oppor tunities. The Study ser ves as an impor tant reference for the Government and industry stakeholders as they formulate strategies to leverage Hong Kong’s strengths and consolidate resources to realise a high value-added life and health industrial chain. 生產力局的發展重點聚焦「新型工業化 – 香港製 造」、「智能製造」、「綠色及智慧生活」、「數碼化與 網絡安全」、「中小企及初創企業支援」,以及「未來 技能FutureSkills」六大範疇,致力推動先進技術和創 新服務,並注入新型工業化元素,以提升香港企業 生產力;同時以創造影響力、強化核心服務、保護 生態環境及成果展示,銳意實踐及向業界推動新型 工業化,為企業及社區創造更具智慧、更富價值的 香港。 促進創新科技研發 豐碩成果獲業界肯定 年內,生產力局於科研發展方面取得豐碩成果,並 獲得國際創新及科技行業的肯定。2022年,我們共 奪得98個本地、內地和國際獎項及嘉許,為歷年之 最,其中七成為創科技術相關獎項,八成得獎技術 項目更經已落地應用,成績令人鼓舞。各得獎項目 兼具創新、高實用性的優點,在不同生活層面皆吸 引廣泛注意,讓社會各界見證以科技改善大眾日常 生活、以科技見證為產業帶來的轉變、以科研成果 說好香港創科故事。 推動科技產業發展 實現香港新型工業化 生產力局全力配合香港特區政府在《香港創新科技發 展藍圖》內提出的四大發展方向,其中表明將大力發 展生命健康科技。本局於2022年公布《香港生命健 康產業發展研究》主要數據,分析發展機遇,探討香 港業界應如何發揮優勢、整合資源,為政府及業界 持份者打造高增值生命健康產業鏈提供重要參考。