HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

51 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 總裁回顧 Executive Director’s Review 深受中小企用家歡迎的「數碼不求人」一站式數碼轉 型解決方案平台,已上架超過150個數碼解決方案, 為企業提供快捷、方便、全面的支援。 充實創科人才庫 生產力局致力壯大本地創科人才庫,提升香港競爭 力。本局舉辦的夏季及冬季實習生計劃,讓97位大 專生走進科研實際應用場景,透過元宇宙體驗、未 來技能課程裝備自己。在STEM教育方面,於2022年 12月開幕的「TechEd Playground創科遊學館」展出以 航天科技、網絡安全、綠色及生物科技、機械人工 程、智慧城市及虛擬世界科技六大創科教育主題的 應用方案,藉以啟發師生對創科的認識和興趣,培 育本地「InnoTalent」。年內,逾38,000位學員參加近 1,000個生產力學院舉辦的培訓課程。生產力局於創 科領域的豐富經驗及強大支援,絕對能擴闊一眾年 青創科人才的視野和知識,讓他們有所得益,將來 成為「InnoTalent」。 衷心感謝客戶及全體員工對生產力局長久以來的信 任及支持,全賴他們在各方面的支持和鼓勵,生產 力局才能邁步向前,成就香港建設為「十四五」規劃 下的國際創新科技中心,實現新型工業化的願景。 展望未來,香港的創科發展正迎來前所未有的黃金 時代,生產力局將繼續與各界攜手合作,以科技提 升香港及國家競爭優勢,繼續說好香港創科故事, 攜手擦亮「香港製造」品牌。 總裁 畢堅文, MH obtain quotations for their applications more efficiently and manage the procurement procedures on just a single platform. Furthermore, the DDIY Portal, a one-stop online portal for digital transformation solutions widelypopular among SME users, has uploaded more than 150 digital solutions, providing enterprises with fast, convenient, and comprehensive support. Enrich Local I&T Talent Pool HKPC is committed to expanding the local I&T talent pool to boost Hong Kong’s competitiveness. Through our Summer and Winter InnoTalent Programmes, 97 students from various tertiary institutes were given oppor tunities to explore different application scenarios of R&D and to equip themselves through metaverse experience and FutureSkills training courses. In terms of STEM education, the TechEd Playground showcases the latest TechEd solut ions under s ix TechEd- themed applications, including aerospace technology, cyber security, green technology and biotechnology, robotics engineering, smart city and virtual world technology, so as to increase and inspire teachers’ and students’ understanding and interests in I&T, and cultivate the local “InnoTalent”. In the past year, more than 38,000 individuals participated in nearly 1,000 training programmes organised by the HKPC Academy. HKPC’s tremendous experience in the field of I&T and the staunch suppor t it offers will undoubtedly broaden their horizons and increase the knowledge of young people well-versed in I&T talents, who will stand to benefit and become the “InnoTalent” in the future. I would like to give my sincere thanks to clients and the entire HKPC staff for their trust in and support for HKPC all along. With their support and encouragement, HKPC was able to make progress, accomplish the goal of Hong Kong’s establishment as an international I&T centre designated in the 14th Five-Year Plan and realise the vision of new industrialisation. Looking forward, the I&T development of Hong Kong is entering an unprecedented golden era. HKPC will continue working with all sectors to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong and the country with technology, continue telling the good stories of Hong Kong’s I&T, and work together to make the “Made in Hong Kong” brand shines even brighter. Mohamed D. BUTT, MH Executive Director