HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

59 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 企業管治 Corporate Governance It also provides a framework for determining appropriate actions and making appropriate decisions for situations which Members have commonly encountered, such as advantages and entertainment offered by other parties, conflict of interest foreseen, etc. Specifically, the Code of Conduct covers six major categories: Prevention of Bribery, Acceptance of Advantages, Managing Conflict of Interest, Misconduct in Public Office, Confidentiality of Information, and Reporting Suspected Irregularities and Criminal Offences. Whistleblowing The Council has a whistleblowing policy to provide the wider public with reporting channels and guidance on whistleblowing. Persons who have legitimate concerns regarding any irregularity, misconduct or malpractice by the Council or any staff member may raise the matter directly through mail or a dedicated email address ( to the Audit Committee Chairman. Only persons who are designated by the Audit Committee Chairman will have access to such emails or correspondence. Whistleblowers making appropriate complaints under this policy is assured of protection against unfair dismissal, victimisation or unwarranted disciplinary action. The Audit Committee Chairman reviews each complaint and decides how it should be addressed. This may involve nominating an appropriate investigating officer or establishing a special committee to conduct an independent investigation into the matter. Safety and Security Governance Safety and security continue to be of utmost importance to the Council. HKPC is dedicated to ensuring and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all staff and stakeholders. HKPC was certified with the standard of ISO45001. As part of its continuous commitment to enhancing the occupational safety and health (OSH) system, HKPC kept formulating and reviewing safety measures to align with the latest operational advancements. Additionally, HKPC proactively strengthened hygiene standards and implemented robust anti-pandemic measures within its premises. 行為守則為成員提供一套基本準則,以供判斷行為 是否恰當,並在遇到常見情況時(例如其他人士向 理事會成員提供利益和款待及可預見的利益衝突情 況等),作出適當決策。守則涵蓋防止賄賂、接受利 益、處理利益衝突、公職人員行為失當、保密資料 及舉報涉嫌違規行為及刑事罪行等六個主要範疇。 舉報 理事會推行了舉報政策,為公眾提供舉報渠道和指 引。若有人懷疑生產力局或任何員工出現違規、行 為失當或舞弊的情況,可通過書信或專用電郵地址 (直接向審計委員會主席舉 報,只有獲得審計委員會主席指定的授權者,才可 查閱有關電子郵件或書信。在本政策下作出恰當舉 報之舉報人會被保護免於遭受不公平解僱、迫害或 不當的紀律處分。 審計委員會主席會檢視有關投訴,並決定處理方 法,例如提名合適的人士或成立特別委員會,獨立 調查事件。 工作安全及保安管理 生產力局非常重視職業安全及機構保安,致力為所 有員工及持份者提供安全健康的工作環境。 生產力局為ISO45001認證機構。與此同時,為不斷 增強職業安全與健康(OSH)體系,生產力局定期更 新和檢視現行安全措施,以應對最新的營運發展; 此外,生產力局進一步加強大樓內的衛生標準,並 採取嚴謹的防疫措施。