HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

60 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 企業管治 Corporate Governance Talent Development and Care for Employees HKPC embraced a robust social mission of fostering young talent and cultivating future leaders for Hong Kong. During the year, HKPC has implemented a range of employee development programs aimed at nurturing a pool of home-grown technology talent. These initiatives include the “EliteTALENT Programme” and “Xcelerator Programme”. Additionally, HKPC provided comprehensive upskilling and reskilling training courses covering leadership and management, essential skills and competencies, innovation and creativity, personal effectiveness, and more. HKPC is committed to nurturing the young generation. During the year, summer and winter internship programmes were organised to encourage local and overseas tertiary students to engage in technology R&D after graduation. These programmes not only provide hands-on experience and learning opportunities for students to equip themselves for their career path, they also groom the new generation of “InnoTalent” and infuse to Hong Kong’s innovation and technology industry with new vitality. HKPC is committed to creating a quality work environment for its employees. This included implementing flexible working hours and flexible location arrangements for both permanent and contract staff, to support their wellbeing, productivity, and dedication; Flexible working hours allow employees to choose their own work schedules or make adjustments according to business operations requirements, striking a balance between business operational requirements and individual circumstances, and embracing a flexible work-life approach. HKPC places great importance on the physical and mental well-being of its employees. To address issues such as family, financial, and parenting stress, a 24-hour counseling and consultation hotline is established for employees to seek support and guidance. Additionally, innovative strategies have been developed and implemented during the year to enhance employee engagement and well-being, fostering a caring and supportive work environment. Examples include racing competitions, hiking competitions, esports tournaments, and more, which have served to invigorate the employees. Furthermore, various community engagement activities were organised, such as visits to homeless individuals and beach cleaning, with a focus on enhancing employee well-being and satisfaction while fostering a diverse and proactive work team, all aimed at striving for outstanding achievements. 人才發展與關愛員工 生產力局承擔著培育香港年輕人才和未來領袖的重 要社會使命。年內,生產力局實施一系列員工發展 計劃,旨在培養一支本地科技人才的儲備,包括 「EliteTALENT」、「Xcelerator計劃」以及全面的技能提 升和再培訓課程等,其中包括領導和管理技能、創 新和創造力、個人效能等。 生產力局致力栽培年青一代,年內舉辦夏季和冬季 實習計劃,為本地及海外大專生締造職場實戰及學 習機會,協助他們日後投身創科行業打好基礎,為 畢業後的就業之路做好準備,同時冀助香港孕育新 一代「InnoTalent」,為本港的科研行業注入新動力。 生產力局致力為員工打造優質工作環境,包括為永 久員工和合約員工採取彈性工作時間安排和彈性工 作地點計劃,以支持他們的福祉、生產力和敬業度; 彈性工作時間允許員工根據業務需求選擇自己的工 作時間或進行調整,以達到業務營運需要和員工個 人情況之間取得平衡,擁抱靈活的工作生活方式。 生產力局十分重視員工的身心健康,特別設立24小 時輔導及諮詢熱線,讓員工傾訴家庭、財務和親職 壓力等問題。此外,生產力局於年內已制定並實施 創新策略,以提升員工投入度和身心健康,營造關 懷和互相支持的工作環境,例如跑步比賽、行山比 賽,以及電競比賽等,激發員工活力。同年亦舉辦 多項關懷社區活動,如探訪無家者,清潔沙灘等社 區活動,同時致力提升員工福祉,以提高員工滿意 度,培養積極多元的工作團隊,加倍努力追求卓越 成就。