HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

65 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 管理層 Senior Management 黎少斌先生 首席數碼總監 黎少斌先生於2018年加入生產力局,帶領團隊開拓 數碼轉型、智能製造和內地業務的發展,是工業4.0 (i4.0)和企業4.0 (e4.0)的應用技術專家;黎先生熟 悉數碼市場趨勢,並擁有豐富的本地與海外業務拓 展經驗,銳意透過生產力局的服務協助企業升級轉 型。 黎先生加入生產力局前,於跨國公司通用電氣任職 超過20年,在其信息科技部完成管理培訓計劃, 隨後任職內部審計和財務部門,並於大中華區、澳 洲、日本、新加坡、瑞士、美國等領導不同業務部 門,涵蓋航空、金融、醫療、塑料、電力、交通運 輸等專業領域,他亦致力推動通用電氣公司不同區 域以至全球業務的發展,範疇包括能源儲存、礦 業、鐵路、再生能源、火力發電等。 黎先生持有香港大學電腦工程學學士學位和電腦科 學研究碩士學位。 林芷君女士 首席營運總監 林芷君女士於2013年加入生產力局,具有逾30年 大型企業財務管理經驗。林女士專責監督生產力局 為政府資助計劃處理的秘書處服務,負責領導、整 合及交流的工作,並透過資助計劃協助企業升級轉 型。她同時積極跟進企業和工業的需要,發展和加 強相關業界的資助計劃。 林女士出任現職前,曾帶領生產力局財務及採購 部,為該局業務部門及附屬公司提供有效的服務及 解決方案,透過簡化程序及數碼化,達至完善的財 務及採購運作。她亦擅長與政府部門協作。林女士 在加入生產力局前,曾於飛利浦醫療保健任職15 年,負責亞太地區業務。 林女士畢業於香港理工大學,擁有會計學士學位, 並在英國曼徹斯特大學取得會計及金融碩士學位。 此外,林女士為香港會計師公會的資深會員。 Mr Edmond Lai Shiao-bun Chief Digital Officer Mr Edmond Lai joined HKPC in 2018 to lead the digital transformation, intelligent manufacturing and Mainland business development of HKPC. Mr Lai is an expert in i4.0 and Enterprise 4.0 (e4.0) business transformation, as well as digital product development, with experience in local and overseas market development. Prior to joining HKPC, Mr Lai worked at General Electric (GE) for more than 20 years. He successfully completed the management trainee programme in the information technology department of the multinational company, and had served in their internal audit and finance functions. He also took on a leadership role across other business units, such as aviation, capital, healthcare, plastics, power, transportation, etc., among various regions including Greater China, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, the United States, etc. He also assumed regional and global responsibilities to drive business growth for various industries, such as energy storage, mining, marine, rail, renewable energy, thermal power generation, etc. Mr Lai holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and a Master of Philosophy (Computer Science) degrees from the University of Hong Kong. Ms Vivian Lin Chief Operating Officer Ms Vivian Lin joined HKPC in 2013 and has over 30 years of experience in the profession of financial management in large corporations. Ms Lin is responsible for overseeing HKPC’s secretariat service for Government funding schemes. She is tasked with leading, integrating, cross-fertilising and leveraging the funding schemes to upgrade and transform the industries as well as proactively pulsing enterprise and industry needs, developing and enhancing the schemes to serve industry-wide business. Prior to her present position, Ms Lin has been leading the finance and procurement arm of HKPC to provide effective services and solutions to business divisions and subsidiaries to the Council, achieving operational excellence in finance and procurement through process simplification and digitalisation. She is also experienced in liaising and collaborating with government authorities. Before joining HKPC, Ms Lin worked at Philips Healthcare for 15 years with commercial exposure in the Asia Pacific region. Ms Lin graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and received a Master of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from University of Manchester, UMIST, UK. She is also a Fellow Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).