HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

5 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 我們的服務 HowWe Serve 2 • 與香港浸會大學合辦「人、機器、藝術、創意 – 國際研討會」。研討會雲集學術界和業界的 頂尖學者、研究人員和藝術家,深入探討有 關人與人工智能共創藝術的發展路向。 • 於2022年12月聯同深圳市發展和改革委員 會、廣東省人工智能與機器人學會、香港人 工智能與機器人學會,以及澳門大灣區人工 智能學會聯合舉辦「粵港澳大灣區國際人工 智能與機器人高峰會2022」。高峰會雲集全 球各地頂尖院士、圖靈獎獲獎者、專家及學 者,探討智能機械人的發展趨勢及產業展 望,協助業界把握人工智能及機械人在大灣 區的發展機遇。 • 與中國科學院香港創新研究院人工智能與機 器人創新中心共同舉辦「萬人科普活動」計 劃,定期為本地青少年舉辦不同科研活動, 目標於三年內讓10,000青少年受惠,鼓勵他 們於畢業後投身創科行業,助力香港創科發 展。生產力局為此計劃的創辦成員之一。 • 全新的「工業元宇宙科技館Celesphere」於 2023年3月開幕,為香港首個以工業元宇宙 為主題的科技研發展館。館內展出最新的工 業元宇宙應用技術方案,其中「通過工業元 宇宙優化生產線性能」技術應用方案榮獲多 項國際科研殊榮,技術水平備受海內外專業 機構肯定,包括「愛迪生獎」創新服務及軟件 解決方案 – 製造流程優化銀獎、「日內瓦國際 發明展」金獎、以及有「創科界奧斯卡」美譽 的「百大科技研發獎」,該項目更是2022年唯 一一項於元宇宙應用範疇中的入圍項目。 人工智能與數據科學 AI andData Science • Co-organised the “Human, Machine, Art, Creativity: International Symposium” with Hong Kong Baptist University, where worldrenowned scholars, researchers from the academia and industry, and artists gathered to discuss the development of human-AI symbiotic art creativity. • The “GBA International Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Summit 2022”, held in December 2022, was jointly organised with Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, the Guangdong Society of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, the Hong Kong Society of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and the Macau Greater Bay Area Artificial Intelligence Institute. The Summit brought together fellows of leading international academies, Turing Award winners, experts, and scholars to share development trends and industry prospects of intelligence robots, captured the trends and opportunities for industry players on the development and collaboration on AI and robotics technologies in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). • The “Promotion Programme of Intelligent Technology for 10K Hong Kong Youth” was initiated by the Centre for Artificial Intel l igence and Robotics, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with HKPC as one of the co-founders. Through the launch of these technology activities for the youths on a regular basis, it aims to arouse the youths’ interest in pursuing a career in I&T and to promote Hong Kong’s innovation development. The programme, is expected to benefit 10,000 youths in three years. • Launched, “Celesphere”, Hong Kong’s first technology hall themed in industrial metaverse in March 2023, to showcase the latest industrial metaverse application solutions, including “Manufacturing Optimisation in the Industrial Metaverse”, which has garnered prestigious international awards and recognitions from world-renowned professional bodies, including the Silver Award of “Edison Award in the category of Innovative Services & Software Solutions – Manufacturing Process Optimisation”, Gold Medal at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, R&D 100 Awards finalist, which is often considered as the “Oscars of Innovation”, with “Celesphere” being the only Metaverserelated finalist in 2022.