HKPC Annual Report 2022-2023

6 年報 Annual Report 2022-23 我們的服務 HowWe Serve 3 先進製造 AdvancedManufacturing • 為Nanoshields Technology Limited度身設計 並建立兩條納米纖維過濾材料智能靜電紡絲 生產線*,預計下年度逐步投產後,將有助提 升產量逾60%,每年可生產超過300噸材料用 作製造個人防護裝備和濾水器。 • 研發CAPfresh冷電漿食品滅菌技術,能有效 在三分鐘內在無須加入任何防腐劑下延長食 品保質期高達300%,為食品消毒程序帶來革 命性改變。項目於「百大科技研發獎」勇奪殊 榮。 • 「電流輔助訂製板金自由成形技術」(「EAFF技 術」)於「TechConnect世界創新會議暨博覽 會」上獲頒創新獎。「EAFF技術」能模擬機械 臂的運行路徑,對板金物料的應力分布、熱 傳播及電效應進行有限元素分析,為製作過 程及優化產品成形提供寶貴數據。 • 為推廣「燈塔工廠」和工業人工智能技術,及 促進香港企業實現營運業績增長和可持續發 展,生產力局推出多項活動和工作,當中包 括舉辦「新型工業化集思匯 – 燈塔企業諮詢 會」活動,以及推行獲創新科技署創新及科技 基金一般支援計劃所資助名為「透過工業人工 智能賦能企業走向先進製造」的項目。生產力 局現正進行多項可行性研究,幫助企業轉型 為燈塔工廠,實現數碼化、智能化、可持續 發展和新型工業化,同時有助加強香港與全 球製造業社區之間的協作和交流。 • Two intelligent electrospinning production lines for nanofiber filter material* were designed and custom-made for Nanoshields Technology Limited, it is expected that production will start gradually in the next financial year, with the aim of raising output by more than 60% and producing over 300 tonnes of material annually for personal protective equipment and water filters. • Developed the CAPfresh cold plasma disinfection system, which effectively the extended shelf life of food by up to 300% without adding any preservatives in just three minutes and revolutionised the food disinfection process. The innovation has been recognised in the R&D 100 Awards. • “Electrically-Assisted Free Forming (EAFF) Technology” garnered “Innovation Awards” at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo. EAFF technology provides invaluable data for process optimisation and product realisation, including imitation of the robot movement, performing the finite element analysis of the stress distribution, as well as heat transfer and electrical effect of sheet metal. • To promote the idea of "Lighthouse Factory” and industrial AI technologies to Hong Kong enterprises and help enhance operational performance and promote sustainable development of enterprises, various initiatives and activities are being pursued, including the holding of “New Industrialisation Industry Network Cluster – Hong Kong Lighthouse Enterprises” consultation session and a project titled “Unlocking the Potential of Industrial AI to AdvancedManufacturing” the latter of which was supported by the General Support Programme (GSP) under the Innovation and Technology Fund. HKPC is currently undertaking several feasibility studies to help participating enterprises transform their factories into Lighthouse Factories, to achieve digitalisation, smartification, sustainability and new industrialisation. The project will also contribute to strengthen collaboration and communications between Hong Kong and the global manufacturing community. * 成功申請創新科技署「再工業化資助計劃」 * Successfully applied for the Reindustrialisation Funding Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)