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HKPC Academy and Zhongshan Whampoa International Education Sign MOU to Foster TechEd Development in GBA and to Strengthen the National I&T Talent Pool

(Hong Kong, 14 May 2024) – HKPC Academy (the Academy) and Zhongshan Whampoa International Education (ZWIE) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly promote the development of Technology Education (TechEd) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Both parties are committed to organising a series of courses, seminars, and exhibitions focusing on TechEd and Chinese cultural education. By integrating Chinese culture with TechEd, they aim to ignite the interest in TechEd of young people in the GBA. Leveraging ZWIE's strong educational network in the GBA, HKPC will disseminate professional knowledge in innovation and technology (I&T) throughout the entire region, contributing to the cultivation of more I&T talent for the nation.

Through this collaboration, the Academy, which has always been committed to nurturing I&T talent, will organise a series of TechEd training programmes for students and teachers in the GBA. With the support of experts from HKPC, the training will enhance knowledge in various fields, including aerospace technology, robotics, 3D printing, programming, and virtual reality (VR) technology. It will also introduce innovative education technology (EdTech) to teachers, strengthening their digital literacy and enhancing the quality of education. ZWIE, with its rich experience of 20 years in education, is an influential education group in South China. It has collaborated in the GBA to establish more than 10 benchmark education organisations and is a leader in providing education to Hong Kong students in the GBA. ZWIE has consistently emphasised the inheritance and dissemination of Chinese culture. For example, it pioneered the integration of two national treasures, traditional martial arts and Chinese medicine culture, and promoted innovative education in Chinese martial arts and medicine. HKPC will work hand in hand with ZWIE to integrate Chinese culture into TechEd. For example, by teaching the principles of "light and shadow" through shadow play and introducing a summer school of science and innovation from world-renowned universities such as MIT and Stanford University. They aim to inspire young people in the GBA to be enthusiastic about I&T and enhance their understanding of the integration of traditional culture and technology. This will help students prepare for future careers related to I&T and adapt to emerging trends.

Dr Lawrence CHEUNG, Chief Innovation Officer of HKPC, said, “Talent is the primary resource for development, a key cornerstone of I&T development, and one of the elements for achieving new productive forces. As a core promoter of new productive forces in Hong Kong, HKPC has been actively collaborating with the education sector, I&T industry, and STEAM education practitioners. We provide diversified TechEd programmes for primary and secondary schools as well as tertiary institutions. In the 2023/24 year, we organised approximately 1,000 training courses and activities with the participation of over 50,000 students, contributing to the cultivation of new forces in I&T. This collaboration leverages the strengths of both parties. With ZWIE 's extensive network in the GBA's education sector and HKPC's years of training experience and strong scientific research capabilities, I believe we can create more opportunities for students in both regions to engage in I&T. By promoting TechEd and seizing the opportunities brought by national innovation and technology development, we can contribute significant efforts to the development of the GBA and the high-quality development of the nation.”

Mr Haifeng HUANG, Chairman of ZWIE, said, “The collaboration between ZWIE and HKPC Academy Is not only based on the complementary strengths of the two parties, but also on the fact that both parties share the same vision of nurturing talent for the future are highly compatible with each other in terms of TechEd. We believe that through the strong alliance between the two parties, we will be able to promote the development of TechEd in the Greater Bay Area, and nurture more innovative and practical talent for the new era!”

Art is also an important element of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), fostering students' comprehensive abilities through interdisciplinary teaching that connects different fields of knowledge. In the future, HKPC will collaborate with Zhong Huang through various activities and workshops to promote Chinese culture and traditional arts. This will deepen teachers' and students' understanding of the country's rich historical heritage and outstanding achievements in innovation and technology, broaden their horizons, and contribute to the nation's development.

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The MOU was signed by Dr Lawrence CHEUNG, Chief Innovation Officer of HKPC (Left in the first row), and Mr Haifeng HUANG, Chairman of ZWIE (Right in the first row), at the HKPC Building, witnessing by Ms Karen FUNG, Chief Marketing Officer & General Manager, InnoPreneur and FutureSkills (Left in the back row), of HKPC and Ms Monica WONG, Senior Director of Non-degree Education Division of ZWIE (Right in the first row).The MOU was signed by Dr Lawrence CHEUNG, Chief Innovation Officer of HKPC (Left in the first row), and Mr Haifeng HUANG, Chairman of ZWIE (Right in the first row), at the HKPC Building, witnessing by Ms Karen FUNG, Chief Marketing Officer & General Manager, InnoPreneur and FutureSkills (Left in the back row), of HKPC and Ms Monica WONG, Senior Director of Non-degree Education Division of ZWIE (Right in the first row).

Representatives of the HKPC and ZWIE attended the signing ceremony to jointly foster the TechEd development in GBA.Representatives of the HKPC and ZWIE attended the signing ceremony to jointly foster the TechEd development in GBA.

Students from ZWIE visited the HKPC Building. Under the guidance of management and experts, the guests were introduced to HKPC Academy, Future Food Tech Lab and Advanced Manufacturing and New Material Centre, to have a better picture of HKPC’s R&D achievements and New Industrialisation initiatives.Students from ZWIE visited the HKPC Building. Under the guidance of management and experts, the guests were introduced to HKPC Academy, Future Food Tech Lab and Advanced Manufacturing and New Material Centre, to have a better picture of HKPC’s R&D achievements and New Industrialisation initiatives.

Students from ZWIE also visited HKPC Academy’s Inno Space, learning the application of laser cutting technology and software to make wooden key rings.Students from ZWIE also visited HKPC Academy’s Inno Space, learning the application of laser cutting technology and software to make wooden key rings.